Jo Sankey MBACP Counsellor/Psychotherapist

Counselling Agreement and Confidentiality Policy 


1.1 Sessions are approximately 50 minutes. For younger children this time may be adjusted if needed; this is due to younger children often finding it difficult to engage or focus for longer periods of time. If appropriate timings can be revisited. If you are late to a session, the session will still finish at the previously agreed time. 

1.2 Sessions work best on a weekly basis, at the same time and day. However there is scope to arrange different sessions times if needed. Counselling/Therapy is a process and the duration of counselling will depend on the problem being faced.  A review will always take place every 6 sessions. 

1.3 Sessions work from a person-centred core. By this I mean that it is up to the client to choose how to use the session. The therapy room has a variety of resources such as art and craft materials, a dolls house, sensory objects and musical instruments, clay, puppets etc. for clients to use at will. Any purposeful damage or breakages may be charged for. 

Fees, Cancellations and Missed Sessions

2.1 The fee for a session is £50. Whilst this might seem a lot this fee covers my clinical supervision, insurance, training development, cost of materials, as well as me earning a wage. Payment can be made via bank transfer- preferably before the session. Payment can also be taken with cash. 

2.2 Sessions should be cancelled with 48 hours notice. I reserve the right to charge for sessions cancelled after this time.

2.3 Sessions missed without communication will be charged. I will contact you after a missed session, but will leave it up to you to rearrange a new session. 

2.4 If I do not receive payment for two sessions in a row, all future sessions will be cancelled until payment is received. 

Contact Outside of Sessions

3.1 I am not a crisis service so if there is an immediate risk or issue please use NHS resources such as contacting your GP, or phoning Samaritans on 116 123.  You are welcome to email me in-between sessions but I cannot guarantee when I will be able to respond to these. My email is 


4.1  All details of sessions are confidential, with a few exceptions that are listed below. I will tell you if I am going to have break confidentiality. 

  For parents, details of sessions are confidential between myself and your child. It is important for your child to be able to trust in our relationship, so I will leave it to your child to share with you unless I am concerned about their safety. 

Reasons for breaking confidentiality:

  1. I believe the client (adult or child) is at risk of harm.

    1. For adults, I will discuss with you my concerns and we will find a way forward together. In severe cases I may contact your GP if I am concerned for your safety. 

    2.  For children this might also include concern of risk of exploitation, abuse or taking dangerous risks. In this case I will encourage the child to speak to their parents unless they prefer me to speak to them. In rare circumstances I may contact the Leeds Children’s Duty and Advice team. 

  2. If I am given information that a criminal act will take place.

  3. If I am given information where there is a legal requirement for me to share information e.g. terrorism, money laundering, drug trafficking. 

  4. If I am subpoenaed by a court of law.  

Data Storage 

5.1 All information, except creative work, is kept on a password protected computer which is locked in a filing cabinet within the therapy room. Only myself has access to this. Details will be used to contact you regarding sessions and shared with relevant professionals in the case of safeguarding concerns. 

5.2 A record is kept with personal information of a client consisting of: name, date of birth, contact details, address and GP surgery. In the case of under 18s a name and contact number for a parent or guardian will also be taken. I also keep minimum notes of sessions when needed that are brief and factual. You are welcome to request to see these. These records are kept for 7 years. You can request access to your records at any time by providing a written request. 

5. Any artwork a client makes will be kept in a folder with their initials in the filing cabinet. Clients are welcome to take their creative work away with them at any time and the file will be offered to them when counselling finishes. Any creative work remaining once a client finishes will be destroyed after 2 years. 

Ethical Working and Complaints

6.1 I am a registered member of BACP (British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy). As such I am committed to working in line with the BACP’s Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions which can be found on the BACP website

6.2 If you have a complaint or concern please don’t hesitate to speak to me about it. Often issues can be cleared up from a simple conversation. If you feel I haven’t listened seriously to your complaint you can contact BACP to make a formal complaint. My registration number is 376428