Therapeutic Approach

The relationship between counsellor and client is incredibly important as it underpins all aspects of therapeutic growth. For therapy to be successful there needs to be mutual respect and trust. I offer a warm, inclusive and non-judgemental approach that has three core elements:


‘Create’ Counselling first starts with a problem. ‘Create’ includes finding ways to start identifying the underlying issues causing the problem. Many people struggle to open up with just talking alone, using creative techniques helps this happen more easily. Having identified the core issues, we then move on to explore.


Explore: When we explore the roots of the issues we can resolve thoughts and feelings that we have left unacknowledged- some of these we may have been carrying around for years without realising it. Therapy is a chance to address an process these issues. Having time to process these allows us to start to thrive.


Thrive: The final part of counselling involves being able to identify when we are using feelings from the past in our present-day responses. When we become aware of our automatic responses we have a good chance of consciously replacing them with healthier ones. This in turn allows us to thrive.